Session Report: “I Doubt It”

Shania De Ocampo
4 min readFeb 10, 2021


For our first game lab, I was grouped up with four other players and we decided to play the game, “I Doubt It” on “I Doubt It” is a great, easy-to-understand game with the mechanics of memory. Everyone receives an even amount of distribution between the whole deck of 52 cards. Whoever is first puts an ace down, the next person puts a 2down, the next person puts down a 3, then so on, so forth. The twist is that anyone can lie about what they are putting down and anyone can call out the person if they think the person is lying with the words, “I Doubt It.” If the person who called it is right, the person who lied has to grab all the cards on the table. If wrong, the person who called it gets the punishment. The person who finishes their hand first wins the game.

My group had about an even distribution of cards. Two people had 11 cards and three people had 10 cards. We started with the person that was placed all the way to the left of the screen and went in order towards the right. I was 4th in this order. Kyra went first, Elizabeth was second, Calvin third, and Alexis was fifth.

The first half of the game was probably more fast-paced than the second. Elizabeth, Kyra, Calvin, and I were calling “I Doubt It” multiple times in the first half. The first call was by Elizabeth after Kyra put down one card of 6 and was surprisingly correct. Kyra had to grab all the cards in the discard pile. The next “I Doubt It” was by Kyra after I hesitantly placed one 9. She immediately said, “That was a little sus.” Having that hesitation was a mistake on my part because she was right, and I had to grab all the cards in the pile.

After a couple of more plays, two more “I Doubt It” calls were played back to back. Lexy called “I Doubt It” against Calvin, but was wrong. Right after, Elizabeth called “I Doubt It” against me, and was also wrong. Elizabeth has not been called out for lying at all yet, so it was evident that she may have the least amount of cards at this point.

The second half went a little slower. Everyone wasn’t accusing each other as much and it was a little quiet. To break the silence, I, unfortunately, called “I Doubt It” against Calvin and was wrong so I had to grab a huge pile back into my hand. This definitely lessened the chance of me winning. We then resumed back to a slower pace with not a lot of accusations against each other, until Elizabeth stated that she was placing her last card. She was required to place a King. Knowing that this was Elizabeth’s last card, Calvin quickly calls, “I Doubt It”. He flips the card and it was actually a King that she played! Impressively, Elizabeth won the game without anyone calling “I Doubt It” on her until her last card.

Session Report

Kyra put down an A

Eliz put down a 2

Calvin put down a 3

Shania put down one 4

Lexy put down one 5

Kyra put down one 6

Elizabeth said doubt it

Kyra grabbed all the cards

Elizabeth put down one 7

Calvin put down one 8

Shania put down one 9

Kyra said doubt it and was correct

Shania grabbed all cards

Lexy put down one 10

Kyra put down one J

Elizabeth put down two queens

Calvin put down one K

Shania put down one ace

Lexy put down one 2

Shania doubt Lexy and was correct and Lexy grabbed all the cards

Kyra put down two threes

Elizabeth put down one 4

Calvin put down one 5 and Lexy says doubt it and was wrong Lexy had to take all the cards

Shania put down one 6 and Elizabeth said doubt it and was wrong

Lexy put down one 7

Kyra put down one 8

Elizabeth put down one 9 Calvin put down one 10

Shania put down one J

Lexy put down one Q

Kyra put down one King

Elizabeth put down one Ace

Calvin put down one 2

Shania called doubts it and was wrong

Shania put down one 3

Lexy put down one 4

Kyra doubts it and was right

Kyra put down one 5

Elizabeth put down one 7

Calvin put down one 7

Shania put down two 8

Lexy put down one 9

Kyra put down one 10

Elizabeth doubts it and was right and Kyra takes all cards

Elizabeth plays one jack

Calvin plays one queen

Shania plays one king

Lexy plays one A

Kyra plays one 2

Elizabeth one 3

Calvin plays 2 fours

Kyra doubts it and was correct Calvin takes all cards

Shania plays one 5

Lexy plays one 6

Kyra plays one 7

Eliz plays one 8

Calvin plays one 9

Shania plays three 10s

Lexy plays one J

Kyra plays one Q

Elizabeth plays the last card K

Calvin doubts it and was wrong

Elizabeth wins the Game

